Friday, 21 September 2012

paralympic final piece

 This is my final piece on the Paralympics

This is a picture of me receiving my award for my coverage of the Paralympics

Here I am with my award 

When I was told that I was doing a piece about the Paralympics I loved it. There was a lot of stress at the start as trying to get as much of the right type of information was very difficult as there was so much on I did not know sometimes if I was watching the right sport. In the begging I was completely clueless but as the Paralympics went on I found it much easier.I got into a rhythm and looked forward to doing it every day.

Here are some of the comments I received.

Dear Rosaleen
Please convey my thanks and congratulations to Barry both on my own behalf and that of my colleagues ...  as well as to his collaborators on the film, Wendy and John and Orlaith and yourself ... for his really wonderful animation on the subject of digital switchover and the end of analogue TV as we have known it.  It is an excellent piece of a work. I love the two TV characters he has created.  I do hope he will continue to create such interesting work and wish you all well for the future.
Very best wishes

Denis Wolinski
National Manager, Northern Ireland
tel: 02890262031
mob: 07827278030
Hi Rosie,

Thanks so much for sending this all through to me - much appreciated.

I'm off on leave on Monday so I will give Barry's mum a wee call on Wednesday and do a piece for the following week's paper  - (Wednesday, September 26 edition).

Many thanks again,


Louise Doyle
Tyrone Constitution
t- 028 82242721
The LiveNet team have really enjoyed working with Barry! His enthusiasm, zest and interest in using ICT was clearly evident in the number of blogs posted and his creative use of photographic images.
I think Barry would be a great ambassador for LiveNet in showcasing how ICT can help connect people with one another for purposes of sharing similar interests and information. Perhaps there is an opportunity for us to explore a volunteering role as 'ICT Ambassador' for Barry.

Rosie has a great personality with bundles of enthusiasm for LiveNet and the people she supports. Her rapport and keen interest in working with Barry has been fantastic.




gutscheine zum ausdrucken said...

good comment

Rosie said...

Praise well deserved!!!